Q. How much does financial advice cost?

A. A simple question but one that can only be answered once the scope of the advice is known. This is why our initial meeting is at no obligation, and once the scale of the work is known you will be provided with a cost estimate and a letter of engagement. The costs of the service are agreed to prior to any commitment on your part. In this way you stay in control and have the confidence to make informed decisions.


Q. My insurances cost too much, should I cancel them and save the money?

A. Insurance costs are always a concern, are you getting value for your money? It is a great idea to review your cover on a regular basis or when circumstances change. You may need a lot of cover in the early stages of buying a house and raising a family. This may change as the mortgage is paid and dependants become independent lowering the need to replace income and capital in the event of misfortune. It is also a great tip to have a medical check up prior to reducing any cover.